Why Running?

Well first of all, Why not? 

More importantly though, I have three great reasons why everyone should run:

1. Running requires no additional equipment.

You can literally run butt naked and barefoot in a field. I don't encourage it, but I say that to make the point that unlike any other physical activity in the world, running requires nothing other than what you already have. If you just bought a $200 pair of Hokas, great go for a run. If you don't have enough money to pay the power bill, great go for a run. If you've worked a middle class job for 20 years and you see your future slipping away from you, great go for a run. If you are a student at Harvard pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering, great go for a run. No matter who you are, what situation life has you in, or your economic background you can always go for a run. It is the most bang for your buck that you can get anywhere. There are no excuses!

2. Running is good for your mental and physical Health.

There are obvious benefits from running like losing weight, reducing your risk of heart disease, increasing your cardiovascular ability, and strengthening your muscular endurance. However, there is also a mental side effect. No, I am not about to go into some ridiculous rant about how running makes you "feel good" or how I get this amazing "runners high." All that is crap. Running is brutal. Running hurts sometimes. Running does not induce this nirvana like state of clarity, focus, and relaxation. Running will make you tough. Running will make that work assignment get completed with ease. Running will make those monotonous meetings feel shorter. Running will make every moment spent embracing the one you love feel like eternity. Running offers perspective and in return perspective allows you to turn the volume down on the things that are not pleasant, and turn the volume up on things that are. 

3. Running is a great way to meet people.

This makes so much more sense if you have ever seen the movie, I Love you Man. Basically, it is about this guy who is getting married, and realizes he doesn't really have any guy friends. So he starts trying to make friends in really odd ways that do not work as he planned. That being said, making friends is weird once you are out of school. Often times once you get out of school you are pretty much stuck with those friends or work friends. Lets be honest, we see our coworkers 8 hours a day already. That leaves you with who you're friends with once you're done with school. Often times these friends are great. I myself met some of my best friends at college. However, what do you do when they move away? Or you move away? Yeah sure you can pick up a random acquaintance here and there. If you run though, nearly anywhere you go in the world you can make friends. Simply go to Facebook and search "running clubs in (insert city)." I have traveled around the world and found people to run with everywhere I've been. Running transcends languages, cultures, and customs. Because no matter who you are, if you can keep up in a 5 mile tempo, we are friends. If you have a 26.2 tatted on you, we are friends. Running has these benchmarks and values that are not constrained by other factors. If you have ran a 16 min 5k, I immediately have respect for you. It is not just applicable to the extremes. Even if you are just beginning to run, the fact that you are putting forth the effort is more than enough for me to have immense respect for you. Because we have all been there. That first step is the hardest, and every single runner has taken it.

Go out, get healthy, and make some friends. Life is too short to not enjoy it. And remember, "The results aren't what matters, the effort is what is really important."

Thanks again,

Josh Moore (Coach)