Throwing Stones in a Glass House: Physically and Metaphorically

Throwing Stones in a Glass House: Physically and Metaphorically

The next morning I woke up and went down for breakfast before work, and I see them sitting in the open air of the kitchen table bundled up in their jackets with only the faintest hints of sunlight. I sit down with knots in my stomach. He looks at me and says, “Joshua, are you excited to be here?”

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How to Have a Routine When Your Life is Anything But Routine

How to Have a Routine When Your Life is Anything But Routine

This week I want to take a shift back to a running focus, but it can definitely be applied to other areas of your life. Also, I am going to have my first, of many more to come, runner highlights. This will be when I take a moment to highlight one of my running friend’s accomplishments and pick their brain for advice on an issue I think they are knowledgeable about.

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